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Today : May 02, 2024

Uzbekistan pays special attention to reducing shadow economy and preventing corruption

Date post : 2020/08/03

An important condition for the socio-economic development of any country is the decline of the shadow economy and corruption.


During a meeting with Uzbek President Shukat Mirziyoyev on July 27, the Uzbek government discussed measures to reduce the shadow economy and prevent corruption.


At the meeting, “Shaukat Mirziyoyev” ordered the participation of experts from international organizations to develop a strategy to reduce the shadow economy and assign more tasks in this regard.


The President noted: “You must be careful while dealing with the shadow economy so as not to damage economic activities, and work in this direction with business and the people.”


One of the measures is to continuously continue tax reforms and introduce a system that prohibits shadow activity. Instructions were given to develop a system of taxpayer duties.


It was also approved, special attention was paid to clearing corruption in public procurement and investment projects. In order to ensure transparency in these areas and strengthen public control and competition, the Ministry of Finance has been asked to launch a public procurement information portal.


Programmatic guidelines for combating corruption were provided in the context of related areas to prevent corruption in public procurement and investment projects.


This program is designed to develop a method for calculating the degree of corruption and the shadow economy for government institutions, companies and regions. Starting in 2021, the results of this ranking will be announced by assessing the personal responsibility of all managers.


Mirziyoyev stressed that in order to reduce the shadow economy, people need to be able to work legally and be motivated.


The President stressed the need to simplify tax administration for small businesses and further reduce the process of obtaining business licenses.


He further emphasized: For example, by informing, 100 types of employment licenses and 34 types of licenses can be reduced to 14 types of licenses with 2 references by simplifying a number of steps. Using these measures, entrepreneurs can save 125 billion “fasts” annually.


At the end of the meeting, instructions were issued to scrutinize 270 regulatory centers in 43 sectors and reduce their power, which reduces the risks of shadow economy formation and corruption schemes.
